General Information

Developments in Computer Science

Budapest, Hungary, June 17- June 19, 2021

Online Conference

No Registration Fee

The language of the conference: English

The conference is organized by the  Faculty of Informatics and the Mathematical Institute, Faculty of Science, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary.

The event is supported by the construction EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00002. The project is co-financed by the Hungarian Government and the European Social Fund.


The aim of the conference is to provide a forum for presenting current developments, ongoing works, inspiring ideas in all disciplinary areas of computer science. Researchers, teachers working in these fields, as well as PhD students are welcome to participate in this event and to exchange their ideas and results on the topics of the conference.

The scope of the conference is very general and includes topics  both from theoretical fields of computer science and applications.  Sections and topics of interest include but not limited to:

Section “Additive Combinatorics and its application in Computer Science” organized by Norbert Hegyvári

Section  “Coding theory and applications in cryptology”  organized by György Kiss

Section “Combinatorics and Geometry” organized by Balázs Keszegh

Section “Geometric constraint systems: theory and algorithms” organized by Tibor Jordán

Section ” Information Systems and Architectures” organized by Bálint Molnár

Section  “Neural networks and differential equations” organized by  Péter Simon

Section  Numerical solution of differential equations, qualitative properties and applications” organized by  István Faragó

Section  “Type Theory” organized by  Ambrus Kaposi

Section “Using artificial intelligence tools in molecular structure prediction: The Budapest Amyloid Predictor and its applications” organized by   Vince Grolmusz

A separate section will be devoted to selected topics that do not belong to the above sections.

Conference program


The conference will consist of plenary talks (50+10 minutes), invited talks (40+10 minutes) and talks based on accepted abstracts (15+5 minutes).

Plenary talk:

András Benczúr  (ELTE):  On the Carriers of Information (formations, infosphere, computation)

A collection of the accepted abstracts will be uploaded to the webpage of the conference.

A conference proceedings consisting of the extended abstracts of the presented talks  will be published by the Faculty of Informatics, Eötvös Loránd University as online publication. 

For details see item Submissions on the conference webpage.

Important Dates (Deadlines):

Submission of abstracts (1 page): June 10, 2021
Notification on acceptanceJune 15, 2021
Submission of extended abstracts (4 pages): July 5, 2021


The deadline for registration is June 15, 2021.

There is no registration fee, but  all  participants are required to be registered. Only registered participants will be able to access the sections of the conference.

For details see item „Registration” on the conference webpage.

How to join the event:

The event is organized as an online event using the Microsoft Teams application.

A separate e-mail will be sent to each registered participant’s e-mail address with the links to the events online sessions.