
Developments in Computer Science

June 17-19, 2021

Online Conference,

organized by the  Faculty of Informatics and the Mathematical Institute, Faculty of Science, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary



June 17, 2021 (Thursday)

9:05-9:55 Plenary talk:
András Benczúr
: On the Carriers of Information (formations, infosphere, computation)

Section  ’’ Geometric constraint systems: theory and algorithms’’
organized by Tibor Jordán

10:00-10:45 Invited talk:
Viktória Kaszanitzky
: Scene analysis with symmetry
10:50-11:05Dániel Garamvölgyi: Algebraic matroids and global rigidity
11:10-11:25András Mihálykó: Localizable sensor networks with optimal anchor sets I: a min-max theorem
11:30-11:45Csaba Király: Localizable sensor networks with optimal anchor sets II: an algorithm
11:50-12:05Tibor Jordán: Rigid block and hole graphs with a single block

Section   ’’ The ubiquitous machine learning – bridging science and business’’
organized by András Lukács

10:00-10:45 Invited talk:
Szabolcs Bíró
: Machine learning use cases in manufacturing
10:50-11:05Péter Marton: Machine Learning algorithms for MOD lapse at renewal modelling
11:10-11:25Gellért Károlyi: From ImageNet to X-ray and satellite images – Transfer Learning
11:30-11:45Gábor Hidy: Nucleus classification with neural networks
11:50-12:05Melinda Kiss: Global Sinkhorn Autoencoder – Optimal transport on the latent representation of the full dataset
12:10-12:25Bálint Csanády: 1D Convolutional Neural Networks for Diacritics Restoration

Section  ’’Additive Combinatorics and its application in Computer Science’’
organized by Norbert Hegyvári

10:00-10:25 Richárd Palincza: The computational complexity of recognizing some number theoretic properties
10:25-10:50Bence Bakos: A communication complexity problem based on subsetsums
10:50-11:15Máté Pálfy: Subset sums of Cartesian product of certain sets
11:15-11:40Norbert Hegyvári: On a Boolean functions defined on a Number Theoretical structure
11:40-12:25Invited talk:
Péter Pál Pach
: Counting monochromatic solutions of the “polynomial Schur equation” $ x+y=p(z)$

Section  ’’ Neural networks and differential equations’’
organized by Péter Simon

14:00-14:45 Invited talk:
Ferenc Izsák
: Adaptive numerical approximation of two-point boundary value problems: a neural network-based approach
14:50-15:05Petra Csomós: In search of an appropriate cost function for differential equations’ initial value problems
15:10-15:25Domonkos Haffner: Solving the Laplace equation by using neural networks
15:30-15:45Imre Fekete: Issues of learning functions by solving differential equations
15:50-16:05Gábor Hidy: Residual neural networks as numerical approximations of differential equation
16:10-16:25Anita Windisch: Saddle-node bifurcation in a 3-dimensional neural network model

Section ’’Combinatorics and Geometry’’
organized by Balázs Keszegh

14:00-14:15 Gábor Damásdi: A generalization of the Erdős-Sands-Sauer-Woodrow conjecture
14:20-14:35Nóra Frankl: On an extremal problem on convex geometric hypergraphs
14:40-15:25Invited talk:
Géza Tóth
: Crossing lemma for the odd-crossing number and some related problems
15:30-15:45Narmada Varadarajan: Orthogonal projections for quantum channels and operator systems
15:50-16:05Péter Ágoston: Semialgebraic sets as ranges of two-distance graphs

June 18, 2021 (Friday)

Section ’’Type theory’’
organized by Ambrus Kaposi

9:30-10:20Invited talk:
Nicolai Kraus
: Wellfounded and Extensional Ordinals in Homotopy Type Theory
10:30-10:50Rafaël Bocquet: Univalent transport in type theory
10:50-11:10István Donkó: Properties of Setoid Type Theory
11:10-11:30András Kovács: Staged Compilation and Generativity
11:30-11:50Zongpu Xie: A model of type theory supporting quotient inductive-inductive types

Section ’’Selected Topics’’
organized by Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú

9:30-9:50Zsófia Erdei: Targeted static fault localization in Erlang programs
9:50-10:10 Jianhao Li, Viktória Zsók: Actor Model based Distributed Communication in Golang
10:10-10:30Gabriella Tóth: Error detection and analysis of PSA structured P4 programs
10:40-11:00Beka Grdzelishvili, Viktória Zsók: Design and Implementation of Digital Image Processing in Functional Programming
11:00-11:20Pramod K. Sethy: Notes on P systems versus R systems

Section ’’ Artificial intelligence methods for predicting the amyloid state of proteins’’
organized by Vince Grolmusz

14:00-14:45 Invited talk:
András Perczel
: The amyloid state of proteins
14:50-15:05Evelin Szögi: Predicting the amyloid state by Support Vector Machines
15:10-15:25László Keresztes: Amyloid patterns in hexapeptides
15:30-15:45Bálint Varga: Pathfinding in the hexapeptide-graph: through the amyloidand non-amiloid nodes
15:50-16:05Kristóf Takács: Sliding windows in the Protein Data Bank: amyloid-forming
propensity of prefixes and suffixes of secondary structures

Section ’’Information Systems and Architectures”
organized by  Bálint Molnár

14:00-14:30Introductory lecture:
Bálint Molnár
: Formal approaches to modelling of Information Systems
14:30-14:50Zhang Yinghong: An overview of reinforcement learning applications in intelligent transportation control systems
14:50-15:10Dóra Anna Mattyasovszky-Philipp : Cognitive Information Systems – proposed extended definition / understanding
15:10-15:30Zolotareva Ekaterina, Bethelihem Seifu: Credit Risk Management in Financial Services
15:30-15:50Balázs Horváth:Dynamic process modeling of micro-services
15:50-16:10Mukashaty Ahmad, Kherbouche Meriem: An Operationalized M2P Transformation for Activity
16:10-16:30Khawla Bouafia: Investigation of Modelling of Dynamic Business Processes
16:30-16:50Chuangtao Ma: Knowledge-enriched schema matching and mapping
16:50-17:10 Altangerel Gereltsetseg: Some optimization possibilities via a programmable data plane on the SD-WAN

June 19, 2021 (Saturday)

Section ’’Coding theory and applications in cryptology’’
organized by György Kiss

9:30 – 10:05 Tamás Heger, Zoltán Lóránt Nagy: Short minimal codes and covering codes via strong blocking sets in projective spaces, I-II
10:10 – 10:25 Rebeka Kiss: Correlation-immune Boolean functions and parameters of orthogonal arrays
10:30 – 10:45Sabira El Khalfaoui: Selecting secure parameters of subfield subcodes of Hermitian codes for post-quantum schemes
10:50 – 11:05Sára Pituk: MCF codes and multiple saturating sets
11:10 – 11:45Invited talk: Marcella Takáts: Secret sharing, coding theory and finite geometry

Section ’’Numerical solution of differential equations, qualitative properties and applications’’
organized by István Faragó

9:30 – 10:15Invited talk: Horváth Róbert: Numerical solution of differential equations, qualitative properties and  applications
10:20 – 10:35 Teshome Bayleyegn: The method of multiple Richardson extrapolation
10:40 – 10:55Gabriella Sebestyén: Application of the Carleman linearisation method to  partial differential equations
11:00 – 11:15Lívia Boda: Operator splitting and average method
11:20 – 11:35 Bálint Takács: Numerical methods for space-dependent epidemic models